Border css
Border-style None: no border Solid: border is a single solid line. Dotted: border is a series of dots. Dashed: border is series of short lines. Double: border is tow solid lines. Groove: border looks as though it is carved into the page. Ridge: border looks theee opposite of groove. Inset: border makes the box look like it is embedded in the page. Outset: border makes the box look like it is coming out the conves. Hidden: same as none, except in terms of border-conflict resolution for table elements. style="border-width:4px; border-style:none;" Border-width Border-bottom-width Border-top-width Border-left-width Border-right-width style="border-bottom-width:4px; border-top-width:10px; border-left-width: 2px; border-right-width:15px; border-style:solid;"